Left to right: Jan Elliott, Darrel Thurman, Cindy Ashby, Benny Cespedes, Ed Gonzales,
Carol Cespedes.
Five years is an important milepost in the life of any club or organization. It marks the point where the
group passes from being a bright idea or a short-term project to becoming an institution, an ongoing part of the community.
Oak Hill Toastmasters celebrated that milepost on Thursday, March 14 with a dinner at Serranos
Café and Cantina. The dinner, attended by more than thirty past and present members and their guests, marked the anniversary
of Oak Hills receipt of their charter from Toastmasters International in March 1997.
Building a new club is always a challenging undertaking, and the anniversary dinner was an occasion
of triumph for those who worked to found the organization five years ago. Jan Elliott, president for the current year, presented
certificates to all past presidents of the club, seven of whom were in attendance (see above). She then introduced the club's
first president, Carol Cespedes, who recognized some very important guests who had helped in the formation of the club
in 1996 -1997. This included past District 55 Governor Lark Doley, past Area 60 Governors Debi and Steve Sigrest, past International
Director Paula Tunison, original Club Mentors Carol Cespedes and Darrel Thurman, original Vice President for Membership
Tricia Garret Gonzales, and original Secretary-Treasurer Barbara Scaife.